We’ll take care of the entire sale — from start to finish.
We’ll value your home, find the best fit upgrades and renovations, and then put together a time table and proposal.
We’ll pay for and manage all the renovations required to maximize your home’s selling price. All you need to do is pick the colours.
While we’re busy hammering away, you’ll be kicking back in your fully furnished condo (at no cost to you) until all the dust has settled.
When your home is ready for sale, we’ll put it back on the market and let the offers pour in.
Learn How Ethan & Lily Flipped Their Home
We're With You The Whole Way
Getting your home ready for sale can be a painful process. Our job is to make it as easy as possible for you.
Free Legal Advice
Get a free consultation from a law firm of your choice to make sure you’re protected.
Temporary Living
Stay in a fully furnished condo while we’re working on your renovations.
Free Moving
We’ll take care of moving you to and from your home, at no cost to you.
Complete Transparency
We’ll explain how the process works before we begin and keep you up to date throughout the project.
Find out how much your home can sell for.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much more will my house sell for?
You can expect to sell your house for 20% above market value. We want you to pocket as much of the equity in your home as possible.
How can you guarantee my house will sell for more?
We’ve been buying and selling houses for a long time. We only take on deals when we know both parties will make money. We don’t make money unless you make money.
How long does it take?
Once the deal is final, we’ll finish your renovations and get your house listed within 2 months. When we’re done with it, it’ll fly off the market faster than you can believe.
Who pays for the renovations?
We pay all the renovation costs as an investment in your home.
How do we make money?
We take a percentage of the profit on the sale of your home if it sells for more than the appraisal value and the cost of renovations. If it sells for less this amount (which has never happened before), the renovations are on us.
What if there’s a problem with the renovations?
We only work with approved renovation partners who have a stellar track record. But, if anything unexpected happens, we are 100% liable.
How can I trust you?
You shouldn’t trust anyone. This is your home and your most valuable asset. And it’s bad enough there’s an entire industry (renovators, home flippers, etc) out to get a piece of your wallet. You don’t need to pay us a dime. We only make money if you make money.
Who decides what to sell the home for?
Before we begin, we’ll agree on a sale price range that everyone’s happy with. Any offer in this range is your choice to accept.
Who will list the house for sale?
You can use the agent of your choice.
Tell Me What My Home Is Worth
Fill out the form below and we’ll tell you how much your home could sell for within 48 hours.